Friday, December 31, 2010

two hundred dollars worth of frames

DJ KittenCyborg bought a painting off me and paid me in IKEA picture frames !!


boss of y'all

Levitate Up the Spikes

put high res link and story about levitating here ----!!
in the collection of Crissy, an artist who does paintings of baby ducks and dinosaurs, and she's my kid sister.


is any buddy even in great metropolitan for new yeers ?


these two illustrations, in nice frames, areAS OF 7:30 AM -31-12-010 FOR SALE ON THE INTERNET holdiday/ONLINE STORE opening day special ==> meat $444 ---> Fishy and tentacle beast boyfriend $299 ......shipping included unless it goes over $50 the big one weighs 7.2 pounds, the little one 2.3


reckless , impudent and calamitous but ultra aloofly relaxed, some scrawny sqatter chic named Slight. ive actually drawn her a bunch of times,

Pissing Between Parked Cars

in the permenant collection of Miss Pea

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


in the collection of Caitlin(DJ kitten cyborg) Pea.
She called me up and was like "hey, i bought this off you last year and now you draw better. so you should crank my painting up one level in skill"
and I am such a Professhonal of art that I had to do it. WHO ELSE IS SUCH A PROIFESSHONAL OF ART AND ALSO IN YOUR TINY TINY BUDGET.. its a recession. hire me for all art.


coming soon...

Monday, December 27, 2010

air ship

tree house

dirty south , in the mountains, near the ocean

Sunday, December 26, 2010

ging train

see that brown ghost following gingham as she levitates down a train track ??? its a piece of food stuck inside my camera !

2. i have no idea how I got a 1/64th piece of food inside my camera; I am not that messy. I cant be !!!
3.the piece of food has been in every pic ive taken for the since at least october.

Levitate up the Spikes

1. This is a remix of a drawing i did about 2006. somewhere on is a link that sez "scan of the 2008 crew change" and it goes to the old version of this drawing. I got about a dozen emails from people i dont know asking me to pls just mail them the 2008 CC.
2. the girl is levitating down the tracks cuz she got bored of waiting for a train and decided to try to be an imaginary floating train. she concentrated so hard to make herself levitate that it pulled half the spikes out of the rails.
3.and train water, emrgancy flares, and dollys levitate but not ballest rocks. Grass is attatched to the planet so it stays put
4. know wut else would make a cool drawing ?? setting the sky on fire by screaming at it.

levitate girl

I cant remember if her name is Pipe or Slite. its like that.


chillin in my momz kitchen at 1am

Monday, December 13, 2010

Ryn Pullette

almost forgot !!!!

fishy stories;

sex and dating are bad for you

Ryn and Cale

Preliminary sketch for a larger piece I'm still designing--- for the naked human form festival at JPMills gallery// march 2011


ryn and cale . the two boys who removed superfluous letters from their names; who "arnt like going out or anything, we just fuck" and they squat roof tops. Big apple city, when fishy had the freak out before hitched across the country in 285.

the story about fishy vs Ryn vsCale

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Loki's Wife

Theology time !!! people love religious art.

about a thousand or 3 thousand years ago Loki (either a god or a viking depending on how much theology you want) got in trouble for pulling a snide prank that murdered the sun and sent the sun to hell for a long while. the earth devolved in to chaos and Loki was bound to a rock with the entrails of one of his "human" sons, to suffer eternally as a snake spat poison venom at him. his only respite was that they let his wife get cursed with him and she gets to collect venom in a coffee cup to sooth his anguish. typical of viking mythos, this entire story seems to be some sort of weird co-dependant sex-drug-demon metaphor.

here is preliminary sketch number one of Loki and Wife, played here by the no eyebrows thugs of CallYourMother, Trevor and Sissy. neither of them have ever reproduced so trevor is bound to the dirty floor with cheap frayed extension cords. Sissy has her own version of how this legend should play out now that its a more overt sex-drug-demon metaphor.

the giant snake-a-pede venom monster is an allegedly real demon who stalks both of them around.

this is more of me trying to rethink the pencil, this drawing took all day. fucking on the floor is uncomfortable and i wanna make them change positions before i blow this drawing up gigantic.

Loki had several children including an 8 legged horse that he gave birth to while he was spending a year being a female horse. wether understood as a mortal or supernatural viking this story is most likely verbatim truth.

Monday, December 6, 2010

flesh sculpture

illustration of a necrotic flesh sculpture mad s cience abomination, from my favourite book at barns and nisobble: how to draw the dead, the undead, viscera and gore ($32 and I'm thinking of getting it just to look at the art it has, mostly by one artist who seems to have seen every horror film ever and seen only horror films.


butter tentacle

did you know ?

1. i dont sign my illustrations, cuz i have design fetish and i find signature distracting.

I sign and title all my illustrations on the back. this is what it looks like.

3. sometimes i sign sumthing weird in the drawing, as in there will be a take out container of lily butter under a car or sumthing.

I'll be more consistant next year.


THIS IS ME TRYING OUT MY NEW FRENCH CURVE SET, i cant tell if this was drawn with the hyperbola or the parabola.

Butter Traceries 1

this exists as a 18x24 sketch and my mom asked for it for xmas.


this is like a mid term exam for maximalist texture teqniqs.

freezer heart phone

art by Boook Rollo !!!
